Q&A with Pink’s Inks (aka Pink Sinks)

Chris sat down with screen printer Dylan Houser of Pink’s Inks at his Philadelphia shop to ask him a few questions about his business and how he got started. Dylan is currently printing our Shopper Totes for our Grateful Dead collaboration.
What got you into screen printing? What's your background?
I got into screen printing after doing design and production for myself, friends and lots of other companies over the years. I thought it would be more enjoyable to handle the entire process of a printed garment from design to final production internally vs sending it around.

Why the name Pink's Inks?
Truthfully, the name Pink’s Inks came out of being a little bit lazy. I was living in a house that only had pink sinks. I made my social media handle at the time as @pinksinks. When I decided to make this a legit business, rather than make a whole new instagram account, I would just call my business Pink’s Inks instead of Pink Sinks. With pink being my favorite color and us using inks to print, the transition made sense. People still don’t really know if it’s pink’s inks or pink sinks that’s how we like it.

When did you start printing Grateful Dead items and what is the history there?
We officially started printing things for Grateful Dead in 2019 with the assist from my business partner Mason Warner aka @fromthelot. To me, and many others, he is the king of all things Grateful Dead t-shirts. It was a no-brainer once he partnered up with Pink’s.

Tell me about your most memorable project(s)...
To date, I think the most memorable project that we got to be a part of was doing t-shirts and sweatshirts for Nike x Grateful Dead on the Dancing Bear Nike Dunk release. Being paid to marry Nike, Grateful Dead and clothing was sincerely a dream come true, especially with the artwork being done by Jeremy Dean aka @deansnuts. To date, I don’t know if I’ve seen the sweatshirt out in the wild yet! I think the few we made for that project are being held onto really tightly.
Any upcoming news you would like to share?
As far as upcoming news for Pink’s, we do have something big in the works, but, I think I’d be in big trouble if I spilled the beans here. Safe to say, when it happens, it will be made very clear!