A Backpack Designed for Coffee Lovers
We were recently approached by Intelligentsia to create a coffee kit bag. As quality coffee lovers, we jumped at the chance to work with such a revered coffee company.
They weren’t looking for a one-time-use-and-discard bag. They wanted a multifunctional bag that would withstand the rigors of road trips near and far and encompass both brands' commitment to quality.
Introducing the Galileo Backpack. Now you can take your coffee rituals on the road with a bag designed for coffee lovers and adventurers alike.
Here’s to the explorer in all of us.
The Galileo Backpack displayed on the Intelligentsia 1958 Citroen Coffee Truck at the High Line Hotel
Chris and Kirk at the Intelligentsia Galileo Backpack launch event, hosted by the High Line Hotel, 2017